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Kids Can Get “CASH FOR CANDY” From Local Dentist

Posted on 09/10/2023

During the Halloween Buy Back Program

It's no secret that candies and cavities often go hand in hand. Indulging once in a while is fine - but only in moderation, and with special attention to prevent the negative after-effects that sugar and acidic candies can have on your smile. Because of this, one dentist in Macon, Dr. Sheila Shah, with MaconSmiles is offering "Cash for Candy" collected by kids during the upcoming trick-or-treat season, distributing it further to minimize exposure to kids who might otherwise consume excessive amounts from their Halloween holiday haul.

  • Dr. Sheila Shah at MaconSmiles, 4929 Forsyth Rd @ Zebulon Rd,
    will pay children $1/lb. of unopened, wrapped candy.

  • Drop off candy Wednesday, November 1st through
    Friday, November 10th, anytime during regular business hours.

  • ALL candy donations are shipped, at the expense of MaconSmiles,
    in care packages to our troops overseas through Operation ShoeBox.

October is a particularly good time to consider some hard facts about teeth - which may not be as "hard" as you think. Teeth are susceptible to wear; and to erosion associated with some candies.

In addition to traditional concoctions of chocolate, caramel, and nuts, which can leave sticky, sugary residue on your teeth, requiring more attention during your oral care routine - the popularity of many "extreme" flavor candies offers potential for additional damage. Intensely flavored sour chewy candies, citric-acid-laced powders, sour gels and sprays, and powder-coated gummies typically contain erosive acidic properties which can damage teeth. Citric acid, the most erosive component in foods and beverages, is twice as destructive to dental enamel as hydrochloric or nitric acid!

Damage from exposure to acidic foods/beverages just before bedtime has shown to be the most harmful. Moreover, the damage is irreversible and costly to treat. Early detection and initiation of preventive strategies are paramount to minimizing long-term consequences. Contact Dr. Shah or your family dentist for more information. Tooth erosion is surely not the "treat" expected from those candies with the power to do more than make you pucker.

Should you decide to indulge, keep in mind that any sensitivity to sweets is a good indicator you may already have a cavity that could need attention. Don't let your October "BOOs" turn into "BOO HOOs." Contact us to take care of your smile!

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