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Seeking Snoring Solutions

Posted on 12/12/2024

Sawing logs, snorting, snuffling, puffing, wheezing, or rumbling they're all common words for snoring. Whether you choose to use those or prefer the technical term for snoring - which is "stertor" by the way - it's all about the noisy breathing sound made during sleep. Also, no matter what you call it, it should certainly be a matter of concern if you or someone you love is experiencing it.

When you snore, your airway does not allow intake of the oxygen your body and brain need. This difficulty in breathing can lead to disruption of proper sleep cycles and decreased overall quality of sleep from fitful sleep patterns, as snorers may often wake off and on throughout the night. Chronic snorers may find themselves more tired in the mornings and have less energy throughout their day since the body isn't getting the rest it needs to fully recover from the previous day.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is actually a common condition. When throat muscles relax and narrow or close the airway, it can cause breathing to repeatedly stop or be restricted during sleep. The National Sleep Foundation estimates that up to 20% of the population has sleep apnea, but some estimates go even higher, noting that as many as 37.3% of American adults have OSA.

If left untreated, OSA can increase the risk of developing serious health problems. Snoring has been linked to medical concerns, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, mental health issues, and loss of memory or concentration. OSA can even increase your risk of car accidents due to drowsiness.

So, what can you do if you snore? What types of snoring therapy in North Macon are available for snoring solutions?

  • Lifestyle changes. Losing weight, sleeping on your side, avoiding alcohol and sedatives could help reduce snoring.
  • Dental devices such as a mandibular advancement splint (MAS) or mouthguard, or a small, removable mouthguard such as a nociceptive trigeminal inhibition (NTI) appliance can help position your mouth properly or keep your tongue from blocking your airway.
  • Nasal devices like nasal strips, an external nasal dilator, or a neti pot can potentially clear nasal passages for better breathing.
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines are a common way to help those with snoring caused by sleep apnea. The machine delivers pressurized air through a mask to keep the upper airway open.
  • Surgical options may be considered if other therapies aren't successful. These might include:
  1. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPP) - throat and palate tissues are tightened to expand air passages.
  2. Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty (LAUP) - the uvula is shortened and cuts are made in the soft palate to stiffen the surrounding tissues.
  3. Palatal implants or Pillar procedure - implants are inserted into the soft palate to prevent collapse
  4. Somnoplasty - tissues in the uvula and soft palate that vibrate during snoring are removed using radiofrequency heat.
  5. Septoplasty - used to straighten or repair a deviated septum.

For a diagnosis, it's important to consult a professional. Your snoring habits should be reviewed by your doctor or dentist. Your forsyth dentist may be in the best position, literally, to check your airway, or to see how your tongue and throat structures are positioned when you are reclined, much like when you lay down to sleep. Your family dentist can offer snoring solutions directly, work with your physician, or even refer you to a sleep specialist, if necessary, to determine the severity and frequency of possible sleep apnea.

If you have questions or concerns regarding snoring issues, please, alert Dr. Shah or the team at MaconSmiles. Putting an end to noisy nights and finding snoring solutions is part of what we do. Just ask!

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