Snoring Therapy
Snoring Therapy

While snoring may seem like just a harmless sleeping habit, it can actually be having a major impact on your daily life. Snoring, also referred to as sleep apnea, is a sleeping disorder where your airways collapse, shrink, or are blocked while you sleep, which prevents you from getting enough air. It's common for those with common sleep apnea to have gone to a doctor or tried some home snoring therapy methods to remedy this condition.
There are many different potential treatments, including using a humidifier or putting on a nose strip. However, you may be surprised to hear that there's actually a professional dental treatment that's available to treat sleep apnea. Here at MaconSmiles, your family dentist is proud to offer sleep apnea treatment and snoring therapy so that you can enjoy the sleep that you deserve and receive all the benefits of a healthy night's rest.
How Sleep Apnea Affects You
While you're snoring, your airway isn't allowing you to take in the necessary oxygen. You may find yourself waking up during sleep often. This will disrupt a person's proper sleep cycles and reduce the overall quality of sleep. It's not uncommon for chronic snorers to feel more tired in the morning and have less energy throughout the day. This is because their bodies aren't getting the rest they need to fully recover. In the long-term, if sleep apnea is left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems, including increased risks of stroke, high blood pressure, memory loss, and more.
Dental Appliance Treatment
In addition to smaller treatments for snoring therapy, such as humidifiers and nose strips, some of the other commonly-used treatments include CPAP (which uses a machine to keep your airways open) and surgery (which opens up space in the airway for easier breathing). While these treatments can be helpful, your general dentist in Macon offers an alternative for snore therapy that's just as effective as other methods. Best of all is that it doesn't require any kind of invasive procedure or bulky machinery - it's simply a dental appliance to treat sleep apnea.
Our Macon anti-snore device is a simple, wearable appliance that you'll put on at night, which positions your mouth in a specific way to open up your airways to allow for more consistent and comfortable breathing. It's similar to a mouthguard in that it's easy to both wear and care for. This anti-snore device is custom-made to a patient's specifications.
When you come in for your appointment, your general dentist, Dr. Shah, will take high-quality images and molds of your teeth so that your appliance will fit you perfectly. Our anti-snore device in Macon is recommended as a first choice for snore therapy as it's more affordable and less risky than the alternatives of purchasing a CPAP machine or undergoing surgery.
Contact Your General Dentist for Your Snore Therapy in Macon!
If you're interested in scheduling an appointment with your family dentist in Macon for an anti-snore device or any of our other services, we encourage you to give us a call at (478) 757-8714. If you have any questions about our snore therapy, please don't hesitate to contact us and let us know. We can't wait to hear from you and help you get a better night's sleep!